A drunk driver in the US state of Nebraska has called 911 after claiming someone was driving the wrong way down a road.

    Turns out that someone was him.

    “I’m in Highway 77 going north and there is someone that is on the wrong side of the road”, the alleged assailant is heard saying in his 911 call.

    When asked by the 911 operator for a description of the vehicle travelling in the wrong direction the man replies “no, he had this brights on man, he almost ran me off the road.”

    After describing his location to the operator, the caller continues to claim “dude he almost hit me so I was like holy sh*t”.

    Video from the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office shows a Subaru Impreza travelling in the wrong direction.

    “Do you know why I stopped you?” said the officer upon pulling the alleged drunk driver over.

    “Yeah, because I was on the wrong side of the road,” the man explains to the officer.

    When the officer asked why he was travelling in the wrong direction, the driver claims “oh I must have missed an exit.”

    The video then jumps to the back of a patrol car once the driver has been arrested. The officer questions the man if he was the 911 caller.

    “Yep, yep I thought someone was on the wrong side of the road,” the driver said.

    “And it turns out it was you,” replied the patrol officer.

    “Yep, like a dumb ***,” the driver replied.

    The Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office says patrol officers were able to “arrest this driver before anyone was seriously hurt”.

    It’s unclear what the exact charges are being laid on the driver however Fox News reports the driver’s blood-alcohol was more than twice the legal limit.

    Jade Credentino

    Jade Credentino is an automotive journalist currently based in Melbourne, Australia. Jade has had a chance to review a variety of vehicles and particularly enjoys SUVs. She enjoys traveling and going on road trips exploring Australia.

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