The NSW Police Force has praised members of the public for calling 000 about a dangerously fatigued driver, and has implored drivers to pull over if they’re tired.

    According to a post on the Traffic and Highway Patrol Command Facebook page, officers were notified of an allegedly fatigue-affected driver in a white Mercedes-Benz van on the Pacific Highway in Mt Colah.

    Around 5:10am on Thursday, September 5, Kurung Gai Highway patrol officers intercepted the van.

    The 29-year-old driver was allegedly swerving in his lane and driving well under the speed limit.

    He was pulled over and subjected to a roadside breath test, which he passed, but police allege he appeared fatigued and conceded that he was unfit to drive.

    Police say he was issued a penalty notice “in relation to his manner of driving”, though the post doesn’t name the specific offence.

    NSW Police can charge drivers with negligent driving, which carries a penalty of three demerit points and a $544 fine.

    Officers took the fatigue-affected driver to a nearby train station, where he safely caught a train home.

    The NSW Police Force says driving while fatigued can be as dangerous as driving while intoxicated.

    While there are no laws regulating driver fatigue for light vehicles, police advise you should still find a safe place to stop and rest if you feel signs of fatigue while behind the wheel.

    In some Australian jurisdictions, however, you run the risk of a fine for sleeping in your car, depending on where you are. You can read more in the link below.

    MORE: Is it legal to sleep in your car in Australia?

    Dev Singh

    I'm an Indian-born automotive enthusiast living in the US, with a huge passion for cars. I have a natural storytelling ability and love captivating writing that brings stories to life. I've been writing about cars for over 10 years. My passion is expertly navigating the dynamic world of cars, delivering engaging content for car aficionados.

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