New South Wales Police has reminded motorists to be vigilant and stay out of the right-hand lane on certain roads, after issuing a fine to one driver who forgot one of the most basic road rules.

    According to New South Wales Police, the provisional driver was travelling on Sydney’s M5 motorway when they were spotted by Liverpool Highway Patrol officers disobeying the road’s “keep left unless overtaking” signs.

    The motorist then allegedly drove past an electronic message board which read “thank you for keeping left on the M5”, though they evidently didn’t pay attention to the message.

    Not even the presence of a Liverpool Highway Patrol car behind them for 3km tipped them off that they were doing the wrong thing, with officers deciding to finally pull them over and remind them of the road rules.

    They received a $410 fine and two demerit points for the indiscretion.

    In New South Wales, Victoria, the Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory, motorists are required to keep left unless overtaking on multi-lane roads with a speed limit higher than 80km/h.

    South Australia enforces its anti-lane hogging rules on roads with a speed limit of 80km/h or above, while Queensland and Western Australia bump this up to 90km/h and over.

    MORE: Is it legal to always drive in the right-hand lane?

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    Dev Singh

    I'm an Indian-born automotive enthusiast living in the US, with a huge passion for cars. I have a natural storytelling ability and love captivating writing that brings stories to life. I've been writing about cars for over 10 years. My passion is expertly navigating the dynamic world of cars, delivering engaging content for car aficionados.

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