These cameras can fine you for even more than speeding and textingWilliam Stopford You could face a $700 fine in the ACT if you're caught offending by one of its road safety cameras and your registration is expired.6 months ago
Unaccompanied learner with three unrestrained kids cops slap on wristJordan Mulach Three children are lucky to be alive after being transported in unrestrained child seats, with the car's solo learner driver copping fines.6 months ago
SA driver lucky to be alive after car crash with near-fatal blood-alcohol levelsJosh Nevett An Adelaide woman with a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.416 has lost her licence for a year following a crash earlier this month.7 months ago
Queensland wants to take nation's toughest hoon, bystander laws even furtherJordan Mulach Under Queensland's latest anti-hoon law proposals, those who upload footage of themselves doing burnouts online can face five years in jail.7 months ago
Police defect 24 modified cars in 24-hour blitzJordan Mulach Two dozen motorists had their cars defected by Illawarra police officers and Transport for New South Wales inspectors in one single day. 7 months ago
Serial speed pest in Commodore nabbed 110km/h over near Holden factoryJordan Mulach One Holden driver subjected his car to a high-speed shakedown near the factory where it was built... and was snapped by the same speed camera twice.7 months ago
Don't do drugs... And certainly don't do them and drive through a school zoneTyra Lawler-Cass A Victorian driver is facing significant fines after being caught at 111km/h in a school zone and testing positive for methamphetamine.7 months ago
P-plater with no licence or rego caught using phone as speedoDev Singh NSW Highway Patrol officers discovered this P-plater's defective Holden had no working speedometer and was last registered 13 years ago.7 months ago
QLD man busted for slugging unsuspecting people with demerit pointsDev Singh A man has been charged for allegedly running a scam where he claimed to cop demerit points in exchange for money, but assigned them to somebody else.7 months ago
Yes, someone was actually fined for hogging the overtaking laneDev Singh Don't block the overtaking lane, people! New South Wales Police has made an example out of one right-lane hog who copped a $410 fine.7 months ago
NSW police bust alleged $10 million fraudulent car financing schemeJordan Mulach Police in New South Wales have charged two people – and expect to charge many more – for their involvement in an alleged financing fraud targeting a Sydney automotive group.7 months ago
Offenders arrested in Melbourne car theft operationMax Davies Police have concluded a targeted nightly operation amidst a car theft crisis in Melbourne, with nearly 20 people arrested in four days.7 months ago