Editorial Guidelines

    CarExpert strives to provide Australia’s best car reviews, news, and opinion. 

    Our editorial content is written to uphold the standard outlined by the Australian Press Council. Those guidelines are: 

    The General Principles

    Accuracy and clarity

    1. Ensure that factual material in news reports and elsewhere is accurate and not misleading, and is distinguishable from other material such as opinion.
    2. Provide a correction or other adequate remedial action if published material is significantly inaccurate or misleading.

    Fairness and balance

    3. Ensure that factual material is presented with reasonable fairness and balance and that writers’ expressions of opinion are not based on significantly inaccurate factual material or omission of key facts.
    4. Ensure that where material refers adversely to a person, a fair opportunity is given for subsequent publication of a reply if that is reasonably necessary to address a possible breach of General Principle 3.

    Privacy and avoidance of harm

    5. Avoid intruding on a person’s reasonable expectations of privacy, unless doing so is sufficiently in the public interest.
    6. Avoid causing or contributing materially to substantial offense, distress or prejudice, or a substantial risk to health or safety, unless doing so is sufficiently in the public interest.

    Integrity and transparency

    7. Avoid publishing material that has been gathered by deceptive or unfair means, unless doing so is sufficiently in the public interest.
    8. Ensure that conflicts of interest are avoided or adequately disclosed and that they do not influence published material.


    Car Expert is committed to protecting your privacy and complying with its obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) in respect of that information. 

    If you are located in, or are a citizen of the European Union, you may have additional rights under the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you are located in California, you may have additional rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).  If you are located in another jurisdiction, additional local requirements will apply.

    Our Privacy Policy describes the type of personal information we may collect and how we use, hold and disclose this personal information. More information here


    We read all feedback emails, and endeavour to respond to as many as possible. The team replying to you is the same team producing content for CarExpert. Please send any corrections or complaints to our contact us page.