You see it all the time. A passenger in the front seat of a car with their feet resting on the dashboard.

    Seems like a harmless way to relax, right? Unfortunately not, especially if your car has airbags.

    Airbags in most modern cars today explode during an impact of greater than 20km/h. They deploy at speeds of over 300km/h over a distance of around 20-30cm, meaning when they explode you have no time at all to get out of the way.

    In an x-ray shared by UK Police, the passenger of a vehicle involved in a fairly innocent accident was resting her feet on the dashboard at the moment of impact.

    Not only did the impact shunt her legs backward, the airbag deploying caused her pelvis to become dislocated and her knees to then impact her face breaking her jaw bone.

    While resting your feet on the dashboard isn’t illegal, you can see why it’s not recommended. If any of your friends do this, it’s time to remind them why it’s a bad idea.

    Dev Singh

    I'm an Indian-born automotive enthusiast living in the US, with a huge passion for cars. I have a natural storytelling ability and love captivating writing that brings stories to life. I've been writing about cars for over 10 years. My passion is expertly navigating the dynamic world of cars, delivering engaging content for car aficionados.

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