A police officer in San Francisco has lit a flare in an attempt to get a driverless Jaguar I-Pace robotaxi to stop at the scene of an explosion.

    The Waymo autonomous vehicle came across where police and fire trucks were on the scene.

    The scene was fairly chaotic with multiple police vehicles and fire trucks entering and exiting the street.

    The road had been closed for the general public to stop a water hose set up from a nearby hydrant from being disturbed.

    The video, shared by Mission Local, shows the I-Pace slowly edging its way into the intersection towards the water hose. It’s unclear if any passengers were on board.

    A police officer takes the top off of a flare in the hopes of stopping the vehicle from advancing.

    “I will pop a flare so it doesn’t cross the water line,” the officer says, before yelling “No, you stay”, as he points to the vehicle and drops the alight flare.

    While the vehicle continues to slowly crawl towards the water hose, a concerned police officer remarks in the background that the vehicle more than likely recognises the hose as a speed bump and therefore will not acknowledge the hazard.

    The officer can be heard over the radio speaking to his dispatch team, after realising that the vehicle has still not stopped.

    “I’ve got a bit of a pickle. I have an autonomous vehicle, the Waymo. It’s inching slowly and closely to one of the main water lines that the SF fire just charged. Can’t run it over,” says the officer.

    “Is there a way you can contact a responsible to come out and disable this vehicle.

    “I don’t trust this AI, I popped a flare and hopefully the smoke might disable it, but it looks like no dice”.

    Shortly after, one of the officers can be seen speaking to a customer service representative from inside the vehicle.

    The representative notifies the officer the vehicle has been placed in park and now disabled.

    A few short minutes after a technician arrives, he removes the vehicle from the scene.

    A spokesperson for Waymo told Insider that the company has improved its technology since the incident happened.

    The Google-owned company operates a robotaxi service in the US cities of San Francisco and Phoenix.

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    Jade Credentino

    Jade Credentino is an automotive journalist currently based in Melbourne, Australia. Jade has had a chance to review a variety of vehicles and particularly enjoys SUVs. She enjoys traveling and going on road trips exploring Australia.

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