Across Juke MY23.5 or Prior Ranges 3.9% Finance** p.a. Comparison Rate | Max 36 Month Term | Plus Standard 5 Year Unlimited Kilometre Warranty and Roadside Assist^
$552 / mo
CarExpert offer from
$489 / mo
You save from
*savings are an estimate and based off of an average term of $5 years and comparison rate of $9% p.a. Please refer to a finance specialist for a more accurate figure
3.9% Finance** Across Juke MY23.5 or Prior Ranges
Finance deal
Across Juke MY23.5 or Prior Ranges 3.9% Finance** p.a. Comparison Rate | Max 36 Month Term | Plus Standard 5 Year Unlimited Kilometre Warranty and Roadside Assist^
$610 / mo
CarExpert offer from
$540 / mo
You save from
*savings are an estimate and based off of an average term of $5 years and comparison rate of $9% p.a. Please refer to a finance specialist for a more accurate figure
3.9% Finance** Across Juke MY23.5 or Prior Ranges
Finance deal
Across Juke MY23.5 or Prior Ranges 3.9% Finance** p.a. Comparison Rate | Max 36 Month Term | Plus Standard 5 Year Unlimited Kilometre Warranty and Roadside Assist^
$702 / mo
CarExpert offer from
$621 / mo
You save from
*savings are an estimate and based off of an average term of $5 years and comparison rate of $9% p.a. Please refer to a finance specialist for a more accurate figure
3.9% Finance** Across Juke MY23.5 or Prior Ranges
Finance deal
Across Juke MY23.5 or Prior Ranges 3.9% Finance** p.a. Comparison Rate | Max 36 Month Term | Plus Standard 5 Year Unlimited Kilometre Warranty and Roadside Assist^
$724 / mo
CarExpert offer from
$641 / mo
You save from
*savings are an estimate and based off of an average term of $5 years and comparison rate of $9% p.a. Please refer to a finance specialist for a more accurate figure
3.9% Finance** Across Juke MY23.5 or Prior Ranges
Finance deal
Across Juke MY23.5 or Prior Ranges 3.9% Finance** p.a. Comparison Rate | Max 36 Month Term | Plus Standard 5 Year Unlimited Kilometre Warranty and Roadside Assist^
$623 / mo
CarExpert offer from
$551 / mo
You save from
*savings are an estimate and based off of an average term of $5 years and comparison rate of $9% p.a. Please refer to a finance specialist for a more accurate figure
3.9% Finance** Across Juke MY23.5 or Prior Ranges
Finance deal
Across Juke MY23.5 or Prior Ranges 3.9% Finance** p.a. Comparison Rate | Max 36 Month Term | Plus Standard 5 Year Unlimited Kilometre Warranty and Roadside Assist^
$697 / mo
CarExpert offer from
$617 / mo
You save from
*savings are an estimate and based off of an average term of $5 years and comparison rate of $9% p.a. Please refer to a finance specialist for a more accurate figure